About Us

Solar Growth Limited was founded in 2013 to fund the develop and acquisition of UK solar assets, both ground-mounted and roof-mounted, and it has raised over £45m of capital to fund these activities.
To date*, it has developed or acquired over 37MW of UK solar assets, and has reduced emissions of carbon by c. 201,491 tonnes.

Capacity (kW) Lifetime (kWh) kg CO2eq / kWh (Coal) kg CO2eq
Briddlesford 629 5,160,456 0.9 4,644,410
Pond 3,604 25,737,413 0.9 23,163,672
Fen 1,441 10,373,464 0.9 9,336,118
Wroxton 1,807 13,264,854 0.9 11,938,369
Taunton 1,715 12,529,346 0.9 11,276,411
Langford 13,184 91,197,226 0.9 82,077,503
Kenninghall 8,000 52,356,145 0.9 47,120,531
Boskennal 960 6,545,431 0.9 5,890,888
Eden Rooftops 5,781 6,714,200 0.9 6,042,780
37,119 201,490,681
Tonnes based on coal 201,491
*as at March 2022

Solar Growth Limited is based in central London and has an experienced board of renewable technology professionals who oversee the governance and strategy of the Company.
The assets are managed by Armstrong Capital Management, a renewable power developer and asset manager with experience of managing over 500MW of solar plants.

Background to the solar business:

Solar Power assets have long-term, predictable cashflows and a low, fixed-cost base.
Our assets all benefit from Renewables Obligation Certificates (ROCs). The Renewable Obligation places responsibility on UK electricity suppliers to source an increasing proportion of the electricity they supply from renewable sources. It is the main support mechanism provided by the UK government for commercial scale renewable power generation the UK.
ROCs are sold through Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs) to electricity suppliers to demonstrate they have met their obligations, alongside the sale of the electricity produced.

Attractions of the solar business sector

Investments in this sector are underpinned by long-term contracts and tangible assets.
The ROC subsidy provides a secure 20 year income stream which is straightforward to forecast and typically rises with inflation.
Proven technology with demonstrable track record of stable, predictable returns.

*as at March 2022

Our Portfolio

To date*, we have developed or acquired over 37MW of UK solar assets, and reduced emissions of carbon by c. 201,491 tonnes.

8 ground mounted solar plants

38 commercial rooftop solar plants

Find Out More *as at March 2022


Solar Growth Limited has an established track record in providing stable, subsidy backed returns to investors.

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